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What Is a Power of Attorney?

Health Care Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a legal document with which a principal authorizes an agent to act on the principal’s behalf and for the principal’s benefit.

Should You Update Your Estate Plan?

What Does the Executor of an Estate Do?

Frequent triggers also include changes in the health of executors and guardians; changes in laws, which may impact tax and legal strategies; and changes in state residence, which can also impact planning.

Can I Protect My Inheritance from Divorce?

Spouse Dying

Your dad bequeathed you a generous sum of money on his passing. Those gifted and inherited assets, in many instances, will be considered ‘separate property,’ not marital property. That might mean that they might not be subject to division, if you divorce. However, perhaps you want to backstop that hoped for result to make the protection more likely to stick if your marriage doesn’t work out.

What non-Probate Assets are Not Considered Part of an Estate?

Will and Revocable Trust updates

In presentations regarding essential actions individuals should take regarding inheritance, emphasis is usually placed on drafting a will. This leaves unanswered what happens to assets that do not pass by will —so called non-probate assets.

When to File a Gift Tax Return?

Gift Tax Returns

The IRS wants to know how much you’re gifting over the course of your lifetime. This is because while gifts may be based on generosity, they are also a strategy for avoiding taxes, including estate taxes, reports The Street in a recent article “Do I Need to File a Gift Tax Return?” Knowing whether you…

Special Needs Planning

Protecting Family

Estate planning should always be customized to each individual creating a plan. This is particularly important when planning for beneficiaries with disabilities.

Is Succession Planning Necessary for Family Business Entities?

Business Succession Planning

While 88% of business owners believe their family will control their business in five years, statistics from Family Business Institute show that only 33% of businesses survive to transfer to the next generation, and only 10-15% continue to the third generation.

Can I Avoid Probate?

Avoid Probate

If you don’t have a will and an estate plan, probate is an after-you’ve-gone legal struggle. It could last months, if not years, in a battle over what you intended your family (or friends) to have: your estate!