IRS Postpones Required Withdrawals from Inherited Retirement Accounts
Withdrawals from traditional inherited retirement accounts are treated as income by the IRS, so the timing of these distributions matters for tax strategy.
Business Owners and Estate Planning: Special Concerns
For most business owners, the business is the most valuable item on their balance sheet.
What Questions to Ask before a Mid-Life Marriage?
Getting married in middle age or beyond, is not only a significant personal milestone, it’s also one of the biggest financial decisions of your life.
What Is the Primary Purpose of a Revocable Trust?
Revocable trusts are much more common than irrevocable trusts because they provide many important estate planning benefits.
What are the Disadvantages of Dying without a Will?
People who die without a will can leave a thicket of probate problems for loved ones.
Inheritance Trends: How They May Affect Today’s and Tomorrow’s Estate Planning
We look at the latest research findings offering valuable insights into the inheritance trends impacting today’s and tomorrow’s estate planning strategies.
Have You had the Estate Planning Talk with Your Adult Children?
Estate planning can be a sensitive topic for families to talk about. Here’s how to get past the awkwardness and discuss estate planning with your family.
Why Estate Planning Is Essential for Small Business Owners
Your business, likely your most valuable asset, deserves careful consideration within your estate plan to ensure a smooth transition of ownership and management in the event of incapacity or death.
Estate Planning for a Taxing Inheritance
Inheriting a pre-tax IRA may be less beneficial than the parent intends.
How Does a Revocable Trust Work?
The terms ‘revocable trust’ and ‘living trust’ are commonly heard in an estate-planning context. You may hear people say, ‘My house is in trust for my children,’ or something along those lines.