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Senior Second Marriages and Estate Planning

More Americans are now getting married over the age of 65 than ever before. Even though this may be a second or third marriage for many, caregivers should nevertheless be aware of certain aspects that shouldn’t be ignored amidst all the wedding plans and celebrations.

What Is the Purpose of a Pet Trust?

Who Takes Care of My Pet When I Die?

Many well-off pet owners have left millions of dollars to their cats, dogs and even chickens—perhaps most notoriously Leona Helmsley, who left US$12 million when she died in 2007 to her white Maltese dog Trouble.

Should I have Revocable Living Trust in Estate Plan?

Do You Need a Revocable Trust?

A revocable living trust is a great tool to help your assets pass smoothly to your beneficiaries. It can also significantly reduce the headaches of probate. However, while some assets belong in a trust, others cannot (or should not) go into one.

What If You Don’t have a Will?

What Does the Executor of an Estate Do?

A recent survey estimated that 68% of people die without a will. The consequences of dying without a will (‘intestate’) can be disastrous.