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Some Must-Have Documents are Always Needed

Advance Directives and Importance of Advance Care Planning

Since we’re all going to die (yes, even those of us who are still in our 20s!), we might as well make things easier for the loved ones who, along with grieving our loss, will have to deal with the financial and logistical pieces of our lives.

What are Benefits of Putting Money into a Trust?


Grantor retained annuity trusts, intentionally defective grantor trusts, spousal lifetime access trusts, oh my! If you overhear two estate planning attorneys at a coffee shop, it would not be unreasonable to think that all clients have estate plans filled with trusts.

What Happens Financially when a Spouse Dies?

Spouse Dying

When you lose your mate, you lose so much—your best friend, your equilibrium and your future together. Just when you’re at your lowest, it hits you: You could lose a lot of money, too.

When Should I Update My Will?

There are some obvious triggers that might prompt you to update your will, such as changes in health or marital status. There are, however, also some not-so-obvious ones to be aware of, according to financial planners and attorneys.