Estate Planning Considerations for Minor Children
When preparing estate planning documents, certain beneficiaries may need more protection than others. One particular class of beneficiaries that needs to be intentionally considered is minor children.
How Important Is a Health Care Power of Attorney?
It is your right to keep your health information private, but is that always what is in your best interests?
What Is a Living Will?
An element of advance care planning, a living will is a legal document that provides specific instructions on how to carry out your wishes to receive or decline such treatments when you otherwise can’t communicate those wishes yourself.
Important Documents in Your Estate Plan
There are two documents everyone needs in their estate plan: The Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) and a Health Surrogacy or Advanced Health Directive.
What Is an Estate Plan?
Nobody wants to think about how their loved ones will cope when they die. However, it’s important to plan effectively to ensure a smooth transition of your wealth and worldly possessions — even if you’re young or feel like you don’t have much to leave behind.
Can a Trust Be Created to Protect a Pet?
With the largest spike in mortality in the United States in a century, following the onset of the pandemic, providing for one’s pets after death has become a growing topic of conversation for many animal lovers across the country.
Ask Mom if She has a Will
My mother told me many times over the years that she had a will, and I believed her. When she passed away, we discovered that her will was 40 years old—and completely useless.
The Difference between Revocable and Irrevocable Trust
A trust is an estate planning tool that you may consider using if you want to go beyond drafting a last will and testament.
Is a Living Will the Same as an Advance Directive?
Most people think of wills as written instructions for use after death. In contrast, living wills provide your instructions for continuing or halting life-sustaining healthcare while you’re alive.
Problems Created When No Will Is Available
People who have had a serious case of COVID-19 are 66% more likely to engage in estate planning, and 32% of adults under 35 said they wrote a will because of the pandemic.