Watch Our Estate Planning Masterclass

What Happens When Inheritances are Unequal?

Why Consider a Prenup before Your Wedding?

Robert, the older brother, and Lon, the younger one, were close as they were growing up in the Queens borough of New York City. However, when their mother passed away and left the bulk of her estate to Robert, Lon was devastated.

What Is a Living Will?

Power of Attorney and Health Care Directives

The financial consequences of a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or any one of the rarer dementias can easily fall to the family of the patient. In any diagnosis that includes declining mental health, it’s important to get one’s financial house in order.

Estate Planning Considerations for Minor Children

Protecting Family

When preparing estate planning documents, certain beneficiaries may need more protection than others. One particular class of beneficiaries that needs to be intentionally considered is minor children.