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How Does a Special Needs Trust Work?

Will and Revocable Trust updates

If you have a family member with special needs, you might face emotional and physical issues. However, you also may be concerned about maximizing the financial support that your loved one requires.

What Are the Details About Probate?

Trusts Prevent Delays for Loved Ones

A formal probate process involves specific, usually straightforward steps. Issues that may arise during the process can lengthen the time it lasts until it is closed by the court.

Start Planning Now for Coming Changes in Estate Tax Exemption Levels

Gift and Estate Tax Exemption Limits Increase for 2024

Clients with sufficient wealth to leave them exposed to future estate tax burdens need to understand that the time to act on the generous estate tax exemption established in 2017 by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is now—not when the expanded exemption sunsets the end of 2025.

Do You Pay Taxes on Gifts From Parents?

Holland Law Offices

In an effort to keep taxpayers from transferring wealth from one generation to the next tax-free, there are specific limits to the amount of gifts one may give to any one person each year.